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The Village Hall

Benches behind the hall

Floor map

The Village Hall
Details on the Hall and how to book the Hall
In the hall this month

What is in the Hall
Our Village Hall is for hire. Having had an extension in 2013 the hall now has a large fully equipped kitchen complete with microwave, range cooker, refrigerator, freezer, cutlery and crockery. The unused chairs and tables are stored in a separate room so as not to clutter the main bright and airy main room. There is in addition a smaller room that can be used for meetings. There are baby changing facilities, modern toilets and disabled facilities. Insulated to modern standards with thermostatically controlled heaters ensure comfort in all weathers. Low energy lighting is employed throughout with a choice of full or subdued effect. Wifi, digital projectors and a PA system.
Outside we have a number of benches that can be accessed from the hall to allow use of an outdoor area.
The hall is perfect for children parties, birthday and anniversary parties as well as clubs and other activities.
Cost and Restrictions
Contact Sally/Ellen for full Risk Assessment details
The hall seats 80 people or 60 at tables.
14 large tables, 3 small tables, 80 chairs.
Size of Hall ; 20.7 ft x 31.7 ft ( 6.3m x 9.7m )
Due to the ceiling structure inside the hall there is not enough height for a bouncy castle, it can fit oustide in the garden at the back of the Hall.
Functions will cease by 23.30 hours and vacated by midnight.
Charges are £12 per hour in the week and £15 per hour at the weekend.
Costs include use of toilet and kitchen facilities, water and electricity.
A deposit of £70 will be required at the time of booking for childrens party and £150 for adult hire. This is returned after the hall is checked after the hire.
Hire fee needs to be made at least 2 weeks before hire date.
Repeat Hirers ; Free up to 1 week before the hire date. Anytime after that 10% of the session fee
One off Hirers ; Free up to 2 weeks before the hire date. Anytime after that 30% of the session fee
A booking is only confirmed once the Hire Fee has been made, this needs to be done at least 2 weeks before the hire date, the Committee reserve the right to change/cancel the booking until money is received into the Halls account.
A copy of instructions to hirers will be issued to all hirers.
We are a registered charity No 1047779
Check availability/book with
Sally Samuels
Ellen Shreeve
The address;
Hodsoll Street and Ridley Village Hall
Hodsoll Street
TN15 7LE
When you come into Hodsoll Street follow sign to The Green Man pub. The hall is just before you arrive at the pub.
Put TN15 7LE into your sat nav.